37 research outputs found

    The hidden pitfalls of Kanban in software development

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    ABSTRACT: Objectives of the Study: The objective of this thesis is to explore the hidden pitfalls of Kanban in software development. The aim is to discover the reasons behind the pitfalls and actions that nourish Kanban's failure. Academic background and methodology: Software development industry has been shifting towards more iterative, responsive and people-oriented development methods, which present the values of lean and agile thinking. Being characterized as the antidote for bureaucracy, the shift towards agile development methodologies has been one of the most significant factors affecting the software industry. Kanban as an agile change management framework has been perceived as the fairy godmother of software development making the reasons behind struggling Kanban projects particularly interesting. Thesis interviews five agile experts in the software development and studies their experiences of unsuccessful Kanban implementations. Emphasis is given to similar experiences and perceptions on how Kanban fails to redeem its value proposition. Findings: The primary finding of the study is that an organization that is unable to change its mindset to support Kanban is a pitfall affecting the whole project, inevitably causing Kanban to fail. This is a challenge that all agile methods have in common. Agile can flourish only when agile values are being appreciated. The secondary finding is that many software teams claiming to be using Kanban have implemented only a shallow imitation of the real method thus creating a superficial implementation, which prevents achieving Kanban induced benefits. Thus, creating a superficial implementation, which prevents achieving Kanban induced benefits. Furthermore, the erroneous human interpretation of what Kanban really is and how to apply it correctly is a key factor contributing to the emerge of the pitfalls. Keywords: Kanban, software development, pitfall, agile, change management, framewor

    Towards Ethical and Sustainable Technology-Supported Ageing at Home in Finland - KATI Programme

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    Publisher Copyright: Copyright © 2021 for this paper by its authors.The population of Finland is ageing with greater demand for health and social care; homecare workers are over-burdened with keeping up with this change whilst ageing themselves. Technology is seen as one of the most promising solutions to tackling these challenges. In the national KATI programme, six regional projects will implement technology solutions and adopt new technology-based practices in a coordinated manner to support the ageing of older people at home as well as the homecare professionals and services. In this article, we give an overview of the variety of technology solutions being implemented and the first ethical questions that have been raised by the projects in the early phase. Thereafter, we highlight three different theoretical approaches that support the ethical and sustainable technology implementation advanced by the programme. The approaches 1) emphasize the holistic perspective on the health of the older person and the method of discourse ethics to seek for consensus about the technology solutions, 2) learn from safety research and the change theory for better ethical design of AI systems, and 3) analyse the technology implementations and the programme from a systemic perspective within the framework of socio-technological transition.Peer reviewe

    Expression of Dihydropyridine and Ryanodine Receptors in Type IIA Fibers of Rat Skeletal Muscle

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    In this study, the fiber type specificity of dihydropyridine receptors (DHPRs) and ryanodine receptors (RyRs) in different rat limb muscles was investigated. Western blot and histochemical analyses provided for the first time evidence that the expression of both receptors correlates to a specific myosin heavy chain (MHC) composition. We observed a significant (p=0.01) correlation between DHP as well as Ry receptor density and the expression of MHC IIa (correlation factor r=0.674 and r=0.645, respectively) in one slow-twitch, postural muscle (m. soleus), one mixed, fast-twitch muscle (m. gastrocnemius) and two fast-twitch muscles (m. rectus femoris, m. extensor digitorum longus). The highest DHP and Ry receptor density was found in the white part of m. rectus femoris (0.058±0.0060 and 0.057±0.0158 ODu, respectively). As expected, the highest relative percentage of MHC IIa was also found in the white part of m. rectus femoris (70.0±7.77%). Furthermore, histochemical experiments revealed that the IIA fibers stained most strongly for the fluorophore-conjugated receptor blockers. Our data clearly suggest that the expression of DHPRs and RyRs follows a fiber type-specific pattern, indicating an important role for these proteins in the maintenance of an effective Ca2+ cycle in the fast contracting fiber type IIA

    Diagnostic evaluation and short-term outcome as indicators of long-term prognosis in horses with findings suggestive of inflammatory bowel disease treated with corticosteroids and anthelmintics

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    Abstract Background Recurrent colic and unexplained weight loss despite good appetite and adequate feeding and management practices are common conditions in the horse. However, little information has been published on the systematic diagnostic evaluation, response to treatment, prognostic factors or outcome of either presentation. The aims of this study were to 1) identify possible prognostic indicators and 2) report the short- and long-term response to treatment with corticosteroid therapy of a variety of horses with a presumptive diagnosis of inflammatory bowel disease (IBD). Thirty-six horses with a history of recurrent colic and/or unexplained weight loss were screened with a detailed clinical, clinicopathological and diagnostic imaging examination. Twenty horses were subsequently selected that had findings consistent with inflammatory bowel disease based on the fulfilment of one or more of the following additional inclusion criteria: hypoproteinaemia, hypoalbuminaemia, malabsorption, an increased intestinal wall thickness on ultrasonographic examination or histopathological changes in rectal biopsy. These 20 horses were treated with a standardized larvicidal anthelmintic regime and a minimum of three weeks of corticosteroid therapy. Results The initial response to treatment was good in 75% (15/20) of horses, with a 3-year survival rate of 65% (13/20). The overall 3-year survival in horses that responded to initial treatment (12/15) was significantly higher (P = 0.031) than in those that did not respond to initial treatment (1/5). The peak xylose concentration was significantly (P = 0.048) higher in survivors (1.36 ± 0.44 mmol/L) than non-survivors (0.94 ± 0.36 mmol/L). Conclusions The overall prognosis for long-term survival in horses with a presumptive diagnosis of IBD appears to be fair to moderate, and the initial response to anthelmintic and corticosteroid therapy could be a useful prognostic indicator. The findings of the present study suggest that a low peak xylose concentration in absorption testing is associated with a less favourable prognosis, supporting the use of this test

    Pharmacological reactivation of MYC-dependent apoptosis induces susceptibility to anti-PD-1 immunotherapy

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    Correction: Volume: 10 Article Number: 932 DOI: 10.1038/s41467-019-08956-x Published: FEB 20 2019 Accession Number: WOS:000459099300001Elevated MYC expression sensitizes tumor cells to apoptosis but the therapeutic potential of this mechanism remains unclear. We find, in a model of MYC-driven breast cancer, that pharmacological activation of AMPK strongly synergizes with BCL-2/BCL-X-L inhibitors to activate apoptosis. We demonstrate the translational potential of an AMPK and BCL-2/BCL-X-L co-targeting strategy in ex vivo and in vivo models of MYC-high breast cancer. Metformin combined with navitoclax or venetoclax efficiently inhibited tumor growth, conferred survival benefits and induced tumor infiltration by immune cells. However, withdrawal of the drugs allowed tumor re-growth with presentation of PD-1+/CD8+ T cell infiltrates, suggesting immune escape. A two-step treatment regimen, beginning with neoadjuvant metformin+venetoclax to induce apoptosis and followed by adjuvant metformin+venetoclax+anti-PD-1 treatment to overcome immune escape, led to durable antitumor responses even after drug withdrawal. We demonstrate that pharmacological reactivation of MYC-dependent apoptosis is a powerful antitumor strategy involving both tumor cell depletion and immunosurveillance.Peer reviewe

    InDEx – Industrial Data Excellence

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    InDEx, the Industrial Data Excellence program, was created to investigate what industrial data can be collected, shared, and utilized for new intelligent services in high-performing, reliable and secure ways, and how to accomplish that in practice in the Finnish manufacturing industry.InDEx produced several insights into data in an industrial environment, collecting data, sharing data in the value chain and in the factory environment, and utilizing and manipulating data with artificial intelligence. Data has an important role in the future in an industrial context, but data sources and utilization mechanisms are more diverse than in cases related to consumer data. Experiences in the InDEx cases showed that there is great potential in data utili zation.Currently, successful business cases built on data sharing are either company-internal or utilize an existing value chain. The data market has not yet matured, and third-party offerings based on public and private data sources are rare. In this program, we tried out a framework that aimed to securely and in a controlled manner share data between organizations. We also worked to improve the contractual framework needed to support new business based on shared data, and we conducted a study of applicable business models. Based on this, we searched for new data-based opportunities within the project consortium. The vision of data as a tradeable good or of sharing with external partners is still to come true, but we believe that we have taken steps in the right direction.The program started in fall 2019 and ended in April 2022. The program faced restrictions caused by COVID-19, which had an effect on the intensity of the work during 2020 and 2021, and the program was extended by one year. Because of meeting restrictions, InDEx collaboration was realized through online meetings. We learned to work and collaborate using digital tools and environments. Despite the mentioned hindrances, and thanks to Business Finland’s flexibility, the extension time made it possible for most of the planned goals to be achieved.This report gives insights in the outcomes of the companies’ work within the InDEx program. DIMECC InDEx is the first finalized program by the members of the Finnish Advanced Manufacturing Network (FAMN, www.famn.fi).</p

    Oppimista ja uusia näkökulmia : työkiertomalli sisäisille työmarkkinoille

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    Tämän kehittämishankkeen tavoitteena oli luoda työkiertomalli Lahden kaupungin sosiaali- ja terveystoimialalle Vanhusten palveluiden ja kuntoutuksen vastuualueelle. Tarkoituksena oli luodulla toimintamallilla lisätä työntekijöiden ammatillista osaamista sekä mahdollistaa työhyvinvoinnin edistämistä ja ylläpitämistä. Toimintamallin tarkoituksena oli myös ylläpitää positiivista työnantajakuvaa ja mahdollistaa kilpailukykyä rekrytoinnissa. Kehittämishankkeen idea nousi työnantajaorganisaation tarpeista. Kehittämishankkeen kohdeorganisaatio oli hankkeen käynnistyessä Lahden kaupungin Vanhusten palvelut ja kuntoutus. Lahden kaupungin liittyessä yhdeksän muun kunnan kanssa 1.1.2017 perustettuun Päijät-Hämeen hyvinvointikuntayhtymään, muuttui kehittämishankkeen työnantajaorganisaatio. Uuden hyvinvointikuntayhtymän myötä kehittämishankkeen tarve korostui, sillä työkierto katsottiin yhdeksi sisäisten työmarkkinoiden liikkuvuutta parantavaksi tekijäksi. Kehittämishanke toteutettiin toimintatutkimuksena, jossa aineiston hankinnan menetelminä käytettiin Learning cafe- ryhmää ja sähköistä kyselyä. Learning cafe- ryhmällä ja sähköisellä kyselyllä osallistettiin työntekijät työkiertomallin ideointiin ja suunnitteluun. Työkiertomalli luotiin työntekijöiden näkemyksiin ja tietoperustaan pohjautuen. Alustavaa työkiertomallia esiteltiin kohdeorganisaation esimiehille ja jatkotyöstettiin heiltä saadun palautteen perusteella työnantajaorganisaation tarpeita vastaavaksi. Kehittämishankkeen edetessä päätettiin, että työkiertomalli otetaan käyttöön laajasti koko organisaatiossa. Valmis työkiertomalli otetaan työnantajaor-ganisaatiossa käyttöön kesäkuussa 2017.The aim of this development project was to build a job rotation model for the sector of Geriatric Services and Rehabilitation of Social and Healthcare Services of Lahti city. With this operating model it was intended to improve employability skills and to enable promoting and maintaining occupational well-being. The objective was also to maintain positive employer-employee relationship and allow competitiveness in recruiting. The idea for this development project was based on the commissioner organization’s need. When the project began the target organization was Geriatric Services and Rehabilitation of Lahti city. The employer organization changed when Lahti and nine other municipalities joined Päijät-Häme Joint Authority for Health and Wellbeing on 1 January 2017. After the establishment of the coalition the need for the development project was emphasized even further, because job rotation was seen as one of the in-creasing values of circulation on the internal labor market. The development project was carried out as action research. The procedures used were Learning cafe group and online questionnaire. With these procedures employees participated in composing and planning of the job rotation model. The created job rotation model was based on the views and knowledge of employees. An initial plan was introduced to the managers of the target organization and after feedback it was revised to respond better to the needs of the employer organization. During the devel-opment project it was decided that the job rotation model would be used widely inside the organization. The finished job rotation model will be introduced in June 2017

    Siistit kuteet ; puhdistuspalvelualalla opiskelevien nuorten kokemuksia ja näkemyksiä siivoustyövaatteista

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